BY EXAMPLE, shall you become of value to Our Cause.
Geraldine Innocente received these Teachings through a Light & Sound Ray and this article was originally published in The Bridge to Freedom Journal of October 1954
By the Beloved Ascended Master Kuthumi
Explanatory Note—The “Guru” is the divine teacher, and the “Chela” is the disciple.
CHELA- Beloved Master, to create an interest in the current endeavours of the Masters is my desire. How best may I do this?
GURU- Blessed Chela, thank you for desiring to awaken an interest in Our endeavours. It is gratifying indeed to have members of the human race even accept Us intellectually. When they desire to further Our interests, We are pleased indeed. My answer is: BY EXAMPLE, shall you become of value to Our Cause.
CHELA- Beloved Master, please explain what you mean in the phrase BY EXAMPLE.
GURU- Blessed Chela, the World is old. Millions of years has It proceeded, together with the other planets, in Its rhythmic circling of the Sun. In all these years, many, many words have been spoken and written. Some words have entered deeply into the consciousness of men, but these words were spoken or written by those whose individual lives manifested the truth within those words. The Master Jesus is such an EXAMPLE of manifest works which accompanied his magnificent explanations of the Spiritual Law.
CHELA- Beloved Master, how may those of us who do desire to be such an EXAMPLE in Your names achieve our purpose?
GURU- Blessed Chela, the desire to be such an EXAMPLE is the motivation which will manifest the truth through your consciousness. The acceptance or the responsibility of giving forth the Law brings the personal obligation to the teacher of becoming the embodied proof of that Law. The acceptance of the tenets of the Law anchors the responsibility to become the embodied proof of that Law into the world of the student. Those who teach and those who learn should be counselled that each portion of the Law which enters the consciousness should be accepted in humility and nourished in love. The appetite for more "knowledge" before the already received knowledge is assimilated brings an obligatory karma to the soul. One simple expression of the Law: “LOVE ONE ANOTHER EVEN AS I HAVE LOVED YOU” - would suffice to bring the individual consciousness to the Ascension, if this were applied through the personal self.
CHELA- Beloved Master, would you then suggest we refrain from endeavouring to spread "The Word" until we are Masters of energy and vibration?
GURU- Blessed Chela: no, because as you learn and apply the Law yourself, your invested energies may plant seeds into a consciousness which will far surpass your own capacity to embody and externalize truth. Thus, you become a "conductor" according to your own light. However, in all your casting of the spiritual seed forth, neglect not the truth that the Law must be embodied in your own nature.
CHELA- Beloved Master, the EXAMPLE of which you speak should it be as nearly like You as our consciousness can conceive possible?
GURU- Blessed Chela, any Ascended Master becomes a pattern for your own thoughts, feelings, spoken words and actions. The majority of the human race in this Western world are most familiar with the Beloved Master Jesus. His EXAMPLE and pattern of living has formed the design and measure for many sincere lifestreams who have chosen to embody truth. The imitation of the Christ has transmuted the base in many men and is recommended as the simplest of spiritual exercises for development of the Divinity.
CHELA- Beloved Master: to measure every thought, feeling, spoken word, and action by the living Presence of Jesus, then, is your recommendation for becoming the EXAMPLE which will lead others to interest in Your Brotherhood?
GURU- Blessed Chela, the old and timeworn phrase "actions speak louder than words" holds true for the exponent of Spiritual Law. Where a man or woman is found who is anchored in personal peace, harmony, health, supply, and spiritual tranquillity, mankind like moths around a flame, will gather for the key to the mystery of happiness in this world of distress.
CHELA- Beloved Master, true Divine Love, then, requires that we transform and change our personal natures in order to attract the attention of mankind and open them to inquiry as to Your Service.
GURU- Blessed Chela: such love is the proof of the professed fidelity of the soul. Upon these few in every age we rely to reach the masses.
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